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Number of items: 132.


  1. [img]
    A guide given by the Higher Education Academy for report writing
    The document explains and details all the relevant information for writing a report and what they are used for. The document explains the sections that should be used for a report and guides the reader on what the content of the report should be like.

    Shared with Selected Schools/Units by
    Mr Michael Griffiths
  2. [img]
    CSCS Professionally Qualified Person - Design
    Shared with Selected Schools/Units by
    Dr David Bacigalupo
  3. [img]
    CSCS Professionally Qualified Person eAssessment
    Shared with Selected Schools/Units by
    Dr David Bacigalupo
  4. [img]
    Lecture on Careers Service in UoS
    Powerpoint used in INFO1010 to give new undergrads an understanding of the purpose of the Careers service.

    Shared with the University by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  5. [img]
    Nano Electronics and Computer Science Research Group
    This is the website for the Nano Research group based at the University of Southampton ECS department, and details current research topics and the people connected with these. It shows some of the current research topics undertaken at the center, and gives an outline of what can be done for post graduate courses.

    Shared with the University by
    Mr Michael Griffiths
  6. [img]
    The Higher Education Academy Engineering Subject Center
    The engineering subject center provides support for engineering students and staff in higher education at university. The website provides articles helping students in a large range of subjects, such as book reviews for a variety subjects, support in writing reports or essays and personal development in subject areas and university life in general.

    Shared with the World by
    Mr Michael Griffiths
  7. [img]
    The University of Southampton Academic and Study Skills Website
    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  8. [img] [img]
    UoS Learn with us
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Sebastien Francois
  9. [img]
    Shared with the University by
    Dr Shakeel Khoja
  10. [img]
    Shared with Selected Schools/Units by
    Dr David Bacigalupo
  11. [img]
    toy com flv
    Shared with the University by
    Dr Shakeel Khoja
  12. [img]
    Who or what was the inspiration for choosing your current course of study?
    Award winning student essay. This essay won the Student Writing Award Scheme via the HE Academy Subject Network for Information and Computer Sciences.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  13. [img]
    Foundations of Web Science: Introductory Lecture
    An introduction to the "Foundations of Web Science" module that overviews the module itself, plus the context of web science at Southampton in terms of WSRI and the new Doctoral Training Centre.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  14. [img] [img]
    Introduction to Hypermedia
    What is the user experience of hypermedia? Common hypertext structures plus Ryman's hypertext novel "253"

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  15. [img] [img]
    Looking at the Web Science 2009 Conference
    The first International Conference on Web Science is taking place in Athens, concurrently with this course. The material here will allow you to get familiar with the conference presentations and posters so that you can write a summary of the conference from a particular topical perspective. (Both the attached HTML summaries are currently in draft form and need to have the preview images and metadata checked.)

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  16. [img] [img]
    Mapping the Web
    Different attempts to 'map' different aspects of the web. How do you impose some sort of high level understanding onto the Web Graph?

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  17. [img]
    Mapping the Web and Web Science
    This tutorial material introduces an activity in which the students are asked to redraw Tim Berners-Lee's map of the Web to include Web Science.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  18. [img]
    Open Access
    A current movement for organising and disseminating the world’s research through Web technology

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  19. [img]
    OpenCL Lecture
    Brief overview for the motivation and architecture of OpenCL

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  20. [img] [img]
    Process Lecture: Wikis and Coursework
    These slides describe the use of a coursework wiki and the proposed information architecture to support the goals of the coursework.

    Shared with the University by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  21. [img]
    An examination of how repositories add extra capabilities to web sites

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  22. [img]
    Social Networks and Small World phenomena
    Social Networking tools like Facebook yield recognisable small world phenomena, that is particular kinds of social graphs that facilitate particular kinds of interaction and information exchange.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  23. [img]
    Thoughts on Web Science
    Shared with the University by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  24. [img]
    Web Graph
    Slides and an essay on the Web Graph, search engines and how Google calculates Page Rank

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  25. [img]
    Research in IAM - MSc Briefings
    This share contains a set of slides intended to help Web Technology MSc students become acquainted with the research in IAM and so to choose a topic for their summer projects and dissertations.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  26. [img] [img]
    Laser Health and Safety Interactive Video
    This short video is designed to make you think about the safety aspects of working with lasers within laser laboratories. Postgraduates and research fellows work with many different types of lasers in a variety of different experimental conditions. These lasers are often more powerful than those used as an undergraduate and require additional safety practices. The video was demonstrated to the EUNIS 2008 conference Aarhus, Denmark, and was a finalist in the Dorup E-Learning Award.

    Shared with the University by
    Mr Sébastien François
  27. [img] [img]
    Communities and the Web
    What is a social network? How does an online community differ from a real world community? See also: Anne Hornsby, 'Surfing the net for community: a Durkheimian analysis of electronic gatherings' ch.3 in Peter Kivisto (ed.) Illuminating Social Life (3rd ed 2005). Libr ref HM51KIV. Graham Crow and Catherine Maclean, 'Community' in Geoff Payne (ed.) Social Divisions (2nd ed. 2006) HM821PAY.

    Shared with the University by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  28. [img]
    A guide to writing formal technical reports
    A guide to writing formal technical reports for IT and CS students

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  29. [img]
    A survey of First Year Students on Arrival
    Used to make students aware of the demographics of their cohort - and trends from previous years.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  30. [img]
    Approaches to Learning
    Looks at some of the models of learning and discusses how they apply to university students

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  31. [img]
    INFO 1010 Introduction and An Introduction to Learning at University
    Describes course objectives and looks at what it takes to be successful in learning at University

    Shared with the University by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  32. [img]
    Lecture on VLEs and MLEs
    Powerpoint Lecture notes on Virtual Learning Environments and Managed Learning Environements

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  33. [img]
    Ontological Hypertext and the Semantic Web
    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  34. [img]
    Open Hypertext
    Lecture Notes on Open Hypertext

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  35. [img]
    Planning Learning and Time Management for Students
    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  36. [img]
    Projecting Yourself On-Line
    Discusses the difference between how a student might project themself in social software and on a web page. Also discusses some of the risks of on-line presence.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  37. [img]
    Results of E-Learning Student Survey at University of Southampton
    Shared with the University by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  38. [img] [img]
    Spatial and Temporal Hypermedia
    Overview of early work on Spatial and Temporal hypermeida

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  39. [img]
    Web 2.0. What is it - and is it any different?
    Looks at what Web 2.0 is, - people, business and technology and questions whether this is simply a continuation of Web 1.0

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  40. [img]
    Where are all these links taking us?
    A perspective on Hypertext Research futures

    Shared with the University by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  41. [img] [img]
    A Day in the Life of a Student (2006)
    This is self playing Powerpoint with sound, which was made by researchers in Learning Technology, in 2001, suggesting what the life of a student in 2006 might look like. It is interesting to see how far we have come (or not come) in the time since.

    Shared with the University by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  42. [img]
    Computer Misuse Act Information & Questions
    Shared with the World by
    Mr Joshua England
  43. [img]
    CV Exemplar and Links
    a pdf and word format document which level 1 students can use as an examplar or template for their CV. Also includes links to example CVs and sites which help of creating CVs

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  44. [img]
    Introduction to the Careers Service for ECS
    Discusses the services that the Careers service provides for ECS students - and some that ECS provides too. The importance of developing a CV over time.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  45. [img]
    Towards a Skills Audit: identifying your experience
    A workshop session which looks at skills from an employers perspective. Slides plus link to Graduate Recruiters Association. Used in first small group class of info1010 - covers ground rules, career destinations, typical earnings,types of jobs and skills evaluation. Slides are reference for interactive discussions

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  46. [img]
    CV workshop - Projecting a professional image
    Slides and activity sheets to accompany a set of practical workshop activities which help participants identify some of their individual skills, as the basis for a future coursework to produce a CV

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  47. [img]
    How to Reference and Cite
    How to Reference and Cite

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  48. [img]
    Academic Integrity
    Understanding what is meant by plagiarism. How to ensure that you are not accused of plagiarism or cheating. How to properly reference material you copy.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  49. [img] [img]
    Networks 3: Social Structures
    A brief look at the post-industrial, network society, freed from manual labour and liberated from place.

    Shared with the University by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  50. [img] [img]
    Social Networks and Actors
    A discussion about Actor Network Theory

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  51. [img]
    The Sociology of the Web
    A sociologist's description of the Web as a socially constructed/discovered/encountered piece of technology.

    Shared with the University by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  52. [img]
    Info2009 Poster
    Poster for Info 2009 Coursework 2

    Shared with the University by
    Mr Oliver Lea
  53. [img]
    Info2009 Reference List
    Reference List for Info 2009 Coursework 2

    Shared with the University by
    Mr Oliver Lea
  54. [img]
    Ethics Committee Student Project Expedited Review Checklist
    checklist for fast track review of student project by ECS ethics committee

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Su White
  55. [img]
    Expedited Ethics Review Form for Student Projects
    Form to be completed and discussed with your tutor for submission to the ethics committee as appropriate

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Su White
  56. [img]
    ELEC3035: Control System Design
    Lecture slides, handouts for tutorials, exam papers, and numerical examples for a third year course on Control System Design.

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Ivan Markovsky
  57. [img]
    ISIS reading group
    Reading group on diverse topics of interest for the Information: Signals, Images, Systems (ISIS) Research Group of the School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton.

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Ivan Markovsky
  58. [img]
    Linear algebra with applications
    Lecture slides and notes for a PhD level course on linear algebra for electrical engineers and computer scientists. This course is given in in the framework of the School of Electronics and Computer Science Mathematics Training Courses (ECS password required)

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Ivan Markovsky
  59. [img]
    An Economists View of Web Science
    Social Networking explained by an economic model of cost and benefit.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  60. [img]
    Assignment on Matlab
    Considers systems of linear equations, steepest ascent optimisation and Monte Carlo simulation.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Rob Maunder
  61. [img]
    Laboratory on Matlab
    Considers various basic features of Matlab

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Rob Maunder
  62. [img]
    Laboratory on Matlab
    Considers function handles, matrix manipulation, 3D plots and programming

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Rob Maunder
  63. [img]
    Notes on analogue and digital amplitude modulation
    Notes on AM, DSBSC, QAM, BPSK, 4QAM, 8PSK, 16QAM

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Rob Maunder
  64. [img]
    Building Software Solutions
    This presentation explains how we move from a problem definition to an algorithmic solution using simple tools like noun verb analysis. It also looks at how we might judge the quality of a solution through coupling, cohesion and generalisation.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Millard
  65. [img]
    Control Structures
    These slides describe how control structures (if/else and loops) are used within algorithms. It includes a description of conditionals (>, ==, etc.) and logic (AND, OR, etc).

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Millard
  66. [img]
    Multimedia Systems Overview - What is a Conference?
    These are the introduction slides for the Multimedia Systems Course in ECS. They introduce the unusual structure of the course (it is run as a student conference), and explains the shape and purpose of an academic conference.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Millard
  67. [img]
    Project Management: A Tale of Fact, Failure and Fiction
    This is a presentation given to 3rd year Project students on our BSc degree programmes to help them project manage their 3rd year dissertations. It covers three practical methods. Fact: Skills Audits to help make projects realistic. Failure: Risk Assessment to help with contingency planning. Fiction: Gantt Charts to help with managing time and effort.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Millard
  68. [img]
    Researching an Academic Paper
    This presentation is for students on the 3rd year ECS Multimedia course where students run their own conference, and submit and review papers. In this presentation we look at how to do the research behind an academic paper, finding sources of information and planning your reading. We also look at plagiarism, and see a number of different ways in which you can reference and include the work of others.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Millard
  69. [img]
    Sequences and Modules
    This is a presentation introducing students to algorithmic concepts such as sequencing, pseudocode and modularity. It includes a class exercise to define the algorithm to make a cup of tea.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Millard
  70. [img]
    Software Engineering Models
    This presentation gives a high level introduction to modelling in software engineering. It looks in detail at how to model behaviour, in particular using UML Activity Diagrams.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Millard
  71. [img]
    Systems in the Small
    This is a presentation introducing students to the idea of Algorithms. It is intended for students who are technical, but are not Computer Science students. The presentation covers definitions, characteristics, complexity and some simple examples.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Millard
  72. [img]
    The Conference Review Process
    This presentation is for students on the 3rd year ECS Multimedia course where students run their own conference, and submit and review papers. In this presentation we explain the academic review process, look at the structure of a review, and give some examples of positive and negative reviews.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Millard
  73. [img]
    Writing Proposals
    This presentation is for students on the 3rd year ECS Multimedia course where students run their own conference, and submit and review papers. The presentation explains how students should write a proposal for the course, and gives them examples of topics and types of paper that they might want to think about.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Millard
  74. [img]
    Revising a Conference Paper
    This presentation is for students on the 3rd year ECS Multimedia course where students run their own conference, and submit and review papers. In this presentation we explain how to interpret reviews, find underlying problems, and make changes that will address them.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Millard
  75. [img]
    The Anatomy of a Paper
    This presentation is for students on the 3rd year ECS Multimedia course where students run their own conference, and submit and review papers. In this presentation we look at how to write and structure an academic paper, including how to include references to academic work.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Millard
  76. [img]
    Participating in a Conference
    This presentation is for students on the 3rd year ECS Multimedia course where students run their own conference, and submit and review papers. In this presentation we look at the different ways that you can participate in an academic conference: Paper, poster and demo, and give some advice on each.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Millard
  77. [img]
    What is Multimedia
    This presentation is for students on the 3rd year ECS Multimedia course where students run their own conference, and submit and review papers. This presentation introduces them to the topic of Multimedia Systems, and explains a number of key areas of the subject.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Millard
  78. [img] [img]
    The Politics of Privacy
    In 'Privacy and Politics', Kieron O'Hara discusses the relation of the political philosophy of privacy to technical aspects in Web development. Despite a vigorous debate, the concept remains ambiguous, and a series of types of privacy is defined: epistemological, spatial, ideological, decisional and economic. Each of these has a different meaning in the online environment, and will be defended by different measures. The question of whether privacy is a right is raised, and generational differences in attitude discussed, alongside the issue of whether privacy should be protected in advance, via a consent model, or retrospectively via increased transparency and accountability. Finally, reasons both theoretical and practical for ranking privacy below other values (such as security, efficiency or benefits for the wider community) are discussed.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  79. [img]
    Methods and Methodology: an introduction
    methodologies, methods, and… Theory Ontology Epistemology Positivism; interpretivism, constructionism, critical approaches

    Shared with the University by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  80. [img] [img]
    The Web Social
    Sociology of the Internet and the Sociology of the Web

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  81. [img] [img]
    Who Invented the Web?
    It is received wisdom that Tim Berners-Lee invented the Web; but there is a lot more technology and historical context that plays a part.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  82. [img]
    Scitable - Learn Science with Nature Education
    Scitable is an open online teaching/learning portal combining high quality educational articles authored by editors at NPG with technology-based community features to fuel a global exchange of scientific insights, teaching practices, and study resources. Scitable currently contains articles in the field of genetics, and is intended for college undergraduate faculty and students. Future plans involve extension of Scitable to other fields within the life sciences, as well as to other audiences. Scitable brings together a library of scientific overviews with a worldwide community of scientists, researchers, teachers and students. Nature Education is a new division of Nature Publishing Group devoted to facilitating high quality, innovative, accessible science education in all countries of the world.

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Jessie Hey
  83. [img]
    Employability and what employers are looking for
    Shared with the University by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  84. [img]
    Foundations of Web Science: Introductory Lecture 2. What is Web Science?
    Professor Nigel Shadbolt describes the emergence of Web Science Research Initiative and discusses the themes and topics that contribute to an understanding of Web Science.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  85. [img]
    EASiHE meeting minutes and actions 10th February
    Shared with Selected Users by
    Miss Onjira Sitthisak
  86. [img]
    EASiHE meeting minutes and actions 16th February
    Shared with Selected Users by
    Miss Onjira Sitthisak
  87. [img]
    EASiHE meeting minutes and actions 16th March
    Shared with Selected Users by
    Miss Onjira Sitthisak
  88. [img]
    EASiHE meeting minutes and actions 20th April
    Shared with Selected Users by
    Miss Onjira Sitthisak
  89. [img]
    EASiHE meeting minutes and actions 20th January
    Shared with Selected Users by
    Miss Onjira Sitthisak
  90. [img]
    EASiHE meeting minutes and actions 23rd February
    Shared with Selected Users by
    Miss Onjira Sitthisak
  91. [img]
    EASiHE meeting minutes and actions 23rd March
    Shared with Selected Users by
    Miss Onjira Sitthisak
  92. [img]
    EASiHE meeting minutes and actions 28th January
    Shared with Selected Users by
    Miss Onjira Sitthisak
  93. [img]
    EASiHE meeting minutes and actions 2nd March
    Shared with Selected Users by
    Miss Onjira Sitthisak
  94. [img]
    EASiHE meeting minutes and actions 30th March
    Shared with Selected Users by
    Miss Onjira Sitthisak
  95. [img]
    EASiHE meeting minutes and actions 9th March
    Shared with Selected Users by
    Miss Onjira Sitthisak
  96. [img] [img]
    Shared with Selected Users by
    Miss Onjira Sitthisak
  97. [img]
    E-government / E-democracy
    In what ways does the web change the ways we interact with government and change the ways we engage in politics?

    Shared with the University by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  98. [img] [img]
    Research Method Overview: Experimental and Comparative Methods
    Experimental and comparative methods in the social sciences

    Shared with the University by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  99. [img]
    Semantic Technologies in HE - Learning Societies Lab seminar
    Shared with the World by
    Prof Thanassis Tiropanis
  100. [img]
    COMP6043 Analysis of Textual Data
    Class exercise to analyse qualitative data mediated on use of a set of transcripts, augmented by videos from web site. Discussion is around not only how the data is codes, interview bias, dimensions of analysis. Designed as an introduction.

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  101. [img]
    COMP6043 Conducting Interviews
    Slides which take students through the interview process, mediated through the presentation of published papers which use interview data

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  102. [img] [img]
    COMP6049 Approaching Surveys - Purpose, Paradigms Protocols and Pragmatics
    An introduction for students intending to design and conduct a survey. This is the prelude to a practical group activity.

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  103. [img]
    Data Visualisation
    Short note and link on data visualisation for students at all levels

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  104. [img]
    Example General Feedback on Routes to Success Portfolios
    This document provides example feedback which has been generated following the marking of a class set of portfolios. It is used as a part of the Routes to Success Module, specifically on the section titled Sustaining Success. Students can read the feedback prior to completing the portfolio to alert them to the possible shortfalls which may occur when they undertake this type of task. The feedback is introduced in the context that the task of completing the portfolio is a developmental one, and that students can expect to learn and improve their performance for this type of task as they develop and refine their skills.

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  105. [img]
    INFO2009 CW1 Annotated Bibliography Coursework Overview
    A simple description of the required components of the annotated bibliography coursework

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Su White
  106. [img] [img]
    INFO2009 CW2 - Resource and Poster Assignment
    specification of resource, poster and individual commentary which make up the poster group assignment

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Su White
  107. [img]
    INFO2009 example questions
    example of questions covering legal topics

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Su White
  108. [img]
    Link to ten short video episodes about groupwork
    "Rob, Vikki, Shireen, Muzz and Delia have been randomly selected to work together to develop a presentation entitled 'The barriers to learning'. It's not an easy ride. The following 10 episodes show the journey, from their first meeting through to their impressions of the presentation and working together". Produced by the LearnHigher CETL Three areas covered by the site as follows Listening and Interpersonal Skills - the University of Leeds Oral Presentations - Brunel University Group Work - Bradford University

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  109. [img]
    Professional, Legal and ethical issues - indicative topic list
    indicative list of topic areas for professional, legal and ethical issues modules clustered into broad themes. Document is to be consulted in conjunction with other slides and notes for the module.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Su White
  110. [img]
    Report Writing (or a few useful things about writing)
    Lecture Slides on the topic of report writing which incorporate a few in class activities. These slides deal with IEEE format referencing.Also briefly discusses academic integrity.

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  111. [img]
    What Employers Want
    collection of resources to help students understand what employers want links to a GRA document "Graduate Careers of the 21st Century"

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  112. [img]
    Professionalism and the Professional Bodies – legal and ethical issues
    Shared with the University by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  113. [img]
    Teams and Team Roles
    Find out about the ways that people contribute to teams, and the importance of the roles in teambuilding

    Shared with the University by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  114. [img]
    Voices for writing essays, reports, web pages, blogs etc.
    Looks at the different ways we write for different audiences.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  115. [img]
    Les Carr explains the moral high ground on open educational resources
    In this video, taken in front of the Parthenon at the Acropolis in Athens, Su White interviews Les Carr about why he asserts that there is a moral duty for teachers who create educational content to put that content in the public domain, rather than hoarding it in their institution.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  116. [img]
    Writing a Technical Report for Electronic and Electrical Engineers
    Has a mixture of factual information (conventions on how a report should be structured) and motivational information on improving writing and communication skills

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  117. [img] [img]
    Study Skills: Precis and Argumentation
    Society is catching up with the implications of the Web; its use is not straightforward and well-understood. Web Scientists will need to be able to handle arguments about equivocal perspectives on the Web's impact.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  118. [img]
    Law, The Universe and Everything. The Regulation of the Web
    Web Science lecture about the impact of law on the web and vice versa.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  119. [img]
    Individuals, Behaviour Change and the Web
    A psychologist's description of the Web as an effective channel for inducing and promoting changes of behaviour in individuals. Demonstrates an experimental system called "LifeGuide".

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  120. [img]
    Academic Integrity Yes or No - Questions Only
    A set of questions to be used in class to introduce the concept of academic integrity.

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  121. [img] [img]
    COMP6043 Conducting an Interview - a role play exercise
    group exercise in three's

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  122. [img] [img]
    COMP6043 Surveys
    Overview of Surveys and Survey Systems. Class exercise sheet, to use to think about survey design example question types from survey monkey, plus set of example survey questions

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White


  1. collection
    COMP6037 Course Folder
    Resources for COMP6037

    Shared with the University by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  2. collection
    CVs, Jobs and Work
    collection of resources to use when developing your CV and applying for a job or summer intern-ship

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  3. collection
    Civil Engineering eAssessments
    Shared with Selected Schools/Units by
    Dr David Bacigalupo
  4. collection
    Collection (from Folder)
    Shared with the University by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  5. collection
    Collection (from Folder)
    Shared with the University by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  6. collection
    Collection (from Folder)
    Shared with the University by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  7. collection
    First Year Activities - preparing your CV
    Notes, slides and activities which students can use/refer to when developing their CV. This is pitched at entry level students, but may be useful to students at all levels for general reference.

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  8. collection
    Materials for Info1008
    These are the materials for a course run at the University of Southampton to teach Algorithmic thinking to Information Technology in Organisation students. The course takes a lightweight approach, and is designed to be used alongside simple programming labs (for example, using Alice).

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Millard
  9. collection
    Multimedia Systems
    These are the materials for the Multimedia Systems course run in ECS. Multimedia Systems is taught rather differently than most courses. Although there is a lecture series, this is to support the main activity - the organisation and participation is a student conference. The coursework is to produce a short paper on a chosen topic to be presented as a paper, poster or demonstration at a course conference to be held at the end of the semester. The process of producing and reviewing the coursework and then participating in the conference has been designed to be the means by students cover the full range of material associated with Multimedia Systems.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Millard
  10. collection
    Web Science
    Shared with the University by
    Prof Hugh Davis
This list was generated on Sat Feb 22 22:21:53 2025 UTC.