CVs, Jobs and Work

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Introduction to the Careers Service for ECS
Discusses the services that the Careers service provides for ECS students - and some that ECS provides too. The importance of developing a CV over time.

Shared with the World by
Prof Hugh Davis
Employability and what employers are looking for
Shared with the University by
Prof Hugh Davis
CV workshop - Projecting a professional image
Slides and activity sheets to accompany a set of practical workshop activities which help participants identify some of their individual skills, as the basis for a future coursework to produce a CV

Shared with the World by
Dr Su White
CV Exemplar and Links
a pdf and word format document which level 1 students can use as an examplar or template for their CV. Also includes links to example CVs and sites which help of creating CVs

Shared with the World by
Dr Su White

CVs, Jobs and Work

collection of resources to use when developing your CV and applying for a job or summer intern-ship

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