Global Climate Cycles

L2 Working with data
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    L2 Working with data
    L2 Working with data
    L8 Calibrating proxy data sets
    L8 Calibrating proxy data sets
    L17 Research Themes, Greenhouse-Doubthouse-Icehouse
    L17 Research Themes, Greenhouse-Doubthouse-Icehouse
    L18 Research Themes, Sea Level variations and orbital forcing
    L18 Research Themes, Sea Level variations and orbital forcing
    L19 Research themes, Sapropels and organic carbon and burial
    L19 Research themes, Sapropels and organic carbon and burial
    31 files in this resource

    Global Climate Cycles

    Level M (Master of Science) module: powerpoint lectures and a number of practicals

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    This resource is licensed under the terms of the Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike 2.0 UK: England & Wales license (

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