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Number of items: 168.
  1. [img]
    COMP1204: Awk (2013)
    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  2. [img]
    COMP1204: Files (2013)
    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  3. [img]
    COMP1204: Git (2013)
    Pro-GIT book (please consider buying the ebook version to support the author)

    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  4. [img]
    COMP1204: Grep and RegExp (2013)
    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  5. [img]
    COMP1204: Introduction to the module (2013)
    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  6. [img]
    COMP1204: Latex (2013)
    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  7. [img]
    COMP1204: Latex tutorial (2013)
    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  8. [img]
    COMP1204: Make (2013)
    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  9. [img]
    COMP1204: More Unix (2013)
    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  10. [img]
    COMP1204: Processes (2013)
    Introduction to UNIX processes

    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  11. [img]
    COMP1204: Programming the Bash Shell - part 1 (2013)
    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  12. [img]
    COMP1204: Programming the Bash Shell - part 2 (2013)
    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  13. [img]
    COMP1204: Programming the C Shell - part 2 (2013)
    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  14. [img]
    COMP1204: Programming the C Shell - part1 (2013)
    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  15. [img]
    COMP1204: Programming the Shell - Apple Handbook (2013)
    This is optional reading, it provides a very nice and clear reference to BASH with references to CShell

    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  16. [img]
    COMP1204: Vi (2013)
    Introduction to line and visual editors ed and vi

    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  17. [img]
    COMP1205 2012-13 Student Presentations: Slot 5
    A set of four different student presentations - Groups P, Q, R and S

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  18. [img]
    COMP1205 2012-13 Student Presentations: Slot 6
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Thomas Dubosc
  19. collection
    COMP1214 course materials
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  20. collection
    Collection Archive: INFO1010 presentation skills and activities
    collection of resources specifying presentation tasks and providing guidance

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  21. collection
    Collection Foundation Year RTS Part 3 Week 1 AY2012-13
    Collection of resources for Week 1 of the foundation year RTS part 3 - lecture slides, and activity resources

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  22. collection
    Collection Foundation Year RTS Part 3 Week 2 AY2012-13
    reading for private study during week 2, to be used in conjunction with week 1 collection

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  23. collection
    Collection INFO2009 Resource Group Work 2012-13
    Collection of student produced resources for INFO2009

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Su White
  24. [img]
    Crowds: Anonymity for Web Transactions
    This is the original Crowds paper from Reiter and Rubin. Please consider it required reading.

    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  25. [img]
    Database Lectures 2
    Shared with the University by
    Dr Kenneth Thomas
  26. [img]
    Database Lectures 3
    Shared with the University by
    Dr Kenneth Thomas
  27. [img]
    Database lectures 1
    Shared with the University by
    Dr Kenneth Thomas
  28. [img]
    Database lectures 4
    Shared with the University by
    Dr Kenneth Thomas
  29. [img] [img]
    ECS Loadings
    Shared with Selected Schools/Units by
    Prof Nicholas Harris
  30. [img]
    Example sql file
    Creates a simple SQLite database. Note how referential integrity is enforced.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Kenneth Thomas
  31. [img]
    Examples in relational algebra
    Some examples from the book. Connolly, T. M. and C. E. Begg (2005). Database systems : a practical approach to design, implementation, and management. Harlow, Essex, England ; New York, Addison-Wesley.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Kenneth Thomas
  32. collection
    Feedback and Assessment for FEE
    This is a collection of resources used at the Feedback and Assessment away half day for the Faculty of Engineering and the Environment

    Shared with the World by
    Mr Justin Steele-Davies
  33. [img]
    Finding and Evaluation Information
    A first year level introduction to finding and evaluating information (mostly on-line)

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  34. [img]
    Group N - Gamefication
    Shared with the World by
    Mr Plamen Mangov
  35. [img]
    INFO6003 (2013) Crowds: Anonymity for Web Transactions -- Paper
    This is the original Crowds paper from Reiter and Rubin. Please consider it required reading.

    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  36. [img] [img]
    INFO6003 (2013) Cyber Kill Chain -- Reports
    These are white papers and reports on Command and Control and Cyber Kill Chain. Consider these readings "almost" required. That is, I'd like you to make a serious effort at reading them.

    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  37. [img]
    INFO6003 (2013) Cybercrime -- White Paper
    MaAfee White Paper: Cybercrime exposed Required reading

    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  38. [img] [img]
    INFO6003 (2013) Data Exfiltration -- Papers
    This is a fun paper about data exfiltration. It's suggested reading, I'd like you to try and grasp how difficult the problem is why looking at one 'creative" attack. The second paper is a technical approach, only for the people seriously interested in this topic.

    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  39. [img]
    INFO6003 (2013) Database and Data Mining Security
    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  40. [img]
    INFO6003 (2013) Differential Privacy -- Overview Paper
    Cynthia Dwork: A Firm Foundation for Private Data Analysis Required reading

    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  41. [img]
    INFO6003 (2013) Insider Threat -- Paper
    This is optional reading, for those interested in this very hot topic

    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  42. [img] [img]
    INFO6003 (2013) Stuxnet and Cyberwarfare -- Papers
    "Is this the start of cyberwarfare" is recommended reading, whilst the longer report "Stuxnet dossier" is optional

    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  43. [img]
    INFO6003 (2013) Tor: the second generation onion router -- Paper
    This is the original Dingledine et al's Tor paper. Please consider it required reading.

    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  44. [img]
    INFO6003 (2013) Towards a formal framework for computation trust -- paper
    the introduction of this research paper (especially pg 2-4) and its list of references may be useful to clarify the notions of Bayesian learning applied to trust as explained in the lectures. This is optional reading

    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  45. [img]
    INFO6003 (2013) Week 3
    What is cyber security?

    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  46. [img]
    INFO6003 (2013) Week 3 (preliminary)
    Review of crypto primitives and protocols

    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  47. [img]
    INFO6003 (2013) Week 4

    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  48. [img]
    INFO6003 (2013) Week 5

    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  49. [img]
    INFO6003: Bitcoin: A technical introduction (2013)
    Shared with the University by
    Prof vladi Sassone
  50. [img]
    Javascript and Node.js: An Introduction
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Enrico Costanza
  51. [img]
    Lecture on cable design and manufacture
    example for web site

    Shared with the World by
    Mr Justin Steele-Davies
  52. [img]
    More SQL
    outer joins union queries

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Kenneth Thomas
  53. collection
    Shared with the University by
    Dr Enrico Costanza
  54. [img]
    Normalisation Algorithms
    Shared with the University by
    Dr Kenneth Thomas
  55. [img]
    Systems & Platforms Lab 2: The Basic Input-Output System (BIOS)
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  56. [img]
    Systems Design: Class modelling using Visual Paradigm
    This lab follows the lectures 'System Design: and Students use Visual Paradigm for UML to build Class models through project examples: Aircraft Manufacturing Company, Library, Plant Nursery.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  57. [img]
  58. [img]
    comp2004 exam 2010
    with answers

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Kenneth Thomas
  59. [img] [img]
    Shared with Selected Users by
    Mr Justin Steele-Davies
  60. [img]
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Christopher Gutteridge
  61. [img]
    testing for mutex

    Shared with the World by
    Mr Giles Howard
  62. [img]

    Shared with the World by
    Mr Justin Steele-Davies
  63. [img]
    Web Advertising
    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  64. [img]
    An Animating Spark: Mundane Computing and the Web of Data
    Network connectivity is reaching more and more into the physical world. This is potentially transformative – allowing every object and service in the world to talk to one other—and to their users—through any networked interface; where online services are the connective tissue of the physical world and where physical objects are avatars of online services.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  65. [img]
    Javascript and Node.js: Simple Examples
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Enrico Costanza
  66. [img]
    Web Services & the Internet of Things
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Enrico Costanza
  67. [img]
    Identity is the new Money
    Three things to think about and Three possible futures to discuss

    Shared with the University by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  68. [img]
    7 Tips for Finding a Job After College
    A good discussion of things you can do while at University to improve your opportunities when you leave university. Written from an American viwpoint but mostly still valid

    Shared with the University by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  69. [img]
    An Introduction to Learning Technology
    A few slides used in 2013 class to introduce the subject of learning technology

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  70. [img]
    Example Technical Report
    Technical Report for Use in COMP1205 Examination 2013

    Shared with the University by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  71. [img]
    The Open Education Movement: OERs and MOOCs
    This presentation is based around a conference keynote presentation developed in April 2013.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  72. [img] [img]
    COMP1205 W1 Independent Learning and Using Your Time
    An introduction to learning at University

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  73. [img]
    Introduction to Professional Issues COMP 1205
    Explains how this module is organised, and the motivation

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  74. [img]
    Formal Technical Report Writing, Referencing and Academic integrity
    How to present a technical report and maintain academic integrity - supported by a range of on-line activities

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  75. [img] [img]
    COMP1205 Disability and legislation
    Slides from expert lecturer, provides an overview of current UK legislation, explores perceptions and attitudes and how legislation affects the role of the IT professional. Includes links to additional material.

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  76. [img]
    COMP1205 2013-13 Student Presentation Slot 4
    A set of presentations by four different student groups

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  77. [img]
    Message Queues
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Nicholas Gibbins
  78. [img]
    Access Structures
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Nicholas Gibbins
  79. [img]
    Data Storage
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Nicholas Gibbins
  80. [img]
    Data Streams
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Nicholas Gibbins
  81. [img]
    Data Types
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Nicholas Gibbins
  82. [img]
    Data Warehouses
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Nicholas Gibbins
  83. [img]
    Distributed Databases
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Nicholas Gibbins
  84. [img]
    Information Retrieval
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Nicholas Gibbins
  85. [img]
    Introduction and DBMS Architecture
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Nicholas Gibbins
  86. [img]
    Making Links: An Introduction to Hypertext
    Introduction to hypertext, looking at its roots in information science, scholarly communication and experimental literature.

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Nicholas Gibbins
  87. [img]
    Multidimensional Access Structures
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Nicholas Gibbins
  88. [img]
    Parallel Databases
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Nicholas Gibbins
  89. [img]
    Query Processing
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Nicholas Gibbins
  90. [img]
    Relational Algebra
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Nicholas Gibbins
  91. [img]
    The Semantic Web
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Nicholas Gibbins
  92. [img]
    Transaction Models
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Nicholas Gibbins
  93. [img] [img]
    Discussion Lecture 1 - A10 Intro
    Shared with Selected Schools/Units by
    Mr Justin Steele-Davies
  94. [img] [img]
    Technical Writing - Reviews
    Part of the technical writing series of tutorials, this focuses on aspects important to writing reviews

    Shared with the World by
    Mr Justin Steele-Davies
  95. [img] [img]
    Open Data
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Nicholas Gibbins
  96. [img]
    Benefits of Linked & Open Data
    Presentation to ARMA2013 (Association of Research Managers and Administrators)

    Shared with the World by
    Mr Christopher Gutteridge
  97. [img]
    Open Equipment data flow
    Short set of slides explaining the workflow from a university website to

    Shared with the World by
    Mr Christopher Gutteridge
  98. [img]
    Case Study Envisioning and Engagement
    This is a presentation that introduces the envisioning (set up) stage of a project or case study. it sets envisioning in a framework of software engineering and agile methodologies. The presentation also covers techniques for engaging with stakeholders in the domain of the project: building a co-designing team; information gathering; and the ethics of engagement. There is a short section on sprint planning and managing the project backlog (agile using a burndown chart.

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  99. [img]
    Systems & Platforms: Course Introduction
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  100. [img]
    Multidisciplinary Guest Lectures
    A series of lectures by experts across the University, talking about the intersection of Web science and their discipline.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  101. [img]
    Introduction to Information Graphics and Data Visualisations
    Shared with the World by
    Dr David Tarrant
  102. [img]
    Review of Social Networking Technologies
    These slides are the first set of review slides for COMP6217 Social Networking Technologies, and show the significant lessons learned for each part of the course, and an example exam question and marks scheme.

    Shared with the University by
    Prof David Millard
  103. [img]
    Social Media Analytics: Trust and Power
    In this lecture for a second year interdisciplinary course (part of the curriculum innovation programme) We explore the scope of social media analytics and look at two aspects in depth: Analysing for influence (looking at factors such as network structure, propagation of content and interaction), and analysing for trust (looking at different methods including policy, provenance and reputation - both local and global). The lecture notes include a number of short videos, which cannot be included here for copy-write reasons.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Millard
  104. [img]
    Systems & Platforms Lab 5: Dual-Boot Installations
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  105. [img]
    Systems & Platforms Lab 1: Computer Hardware
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  106. [img]
    Systems & Platforms Lab 3: Windows 7 and the Boot Process
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  107. [img]
    Systems & Platforms Lab 4: Device Drivers and Virtual Memory
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  108. [img]
    L9: EAGLE
    Introduction to using EAGLE

    Shared with Selected Users by
    Mr Justin Steele-Davies
  109. [img]
    Group J Professional Development Presentation
    Presentation for Group J of Professional Development

    Shared with the University by
    Mr Pollawat Poonjiradejma
  110. [img]
    Group J Professional Development Presentation pdf
    PDF version of professional development presentation

    Shared with the University by
    Mr Pollawat Poonjiradejma
  111. [img]
    COMP6037 - Lecture slides for 17.10.13 & 22.10.13
    Shared with the World by
    Mrs Claire Wyatt
  112. [img] [img]
    COMP6037 Seminar 23 10 13: Science, knowledge and technology
    Set readings 1. Sismondo S. (2009). The Kuhnian revolution. In An introduction to science and technology studies. p12-22 2. Ben-David J, Sullivan T. (1975) Sociology of science. Annual Review of Sociology p203-21 3. Clarke A, Star SL. (2008) The social worlds framework: a theory/methods package. In Hackett EJ et al. The handbook of science and technology studies. Cambridge MA: MIT Press p113-137 Bonus paper (read if you have time) 4. Mitroff I. (1974). Norms and Counternorms in a Select Group of Apollo Moon Scientists. American Sociological Review 39:79-95 • Aim to ensure that you understand the core arguments of each paper • Look up/note any new terminology (and questions you want to ask) • Think about your critical appraisal of the paper (what are the merits/demerits of the argument, evidence etc) In the seminar we will spend about 5 minutes talking about each paper, and then - building on the two lectures - discuss how these ideas might be used to think about the Web and Web Science. At the end there will be some time for questions and a chance to note your key learning points.

    Shared with the University by
    Mrs Claire Wyatt
  113. [img]
    Systems & Platforms: Computer Networking
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  114. [img]
    Systems & Platforms: I/O Hardware and Software
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  115. [img]
    Systems & Platforms: Introduction to OS Abstraction
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  116. [img]
    Systems & Platforms: Memory Management
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  117. [img]
    Systems & Platforms: Multicomputers and Distributed Systems
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  118. [img]
    Systems & Platforms: Processes, Threads & Scheduling
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  119. [img]
    Systems & Platforms: Virtual Memory
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  120. [img]
    Java path setting batch file
    This is a batch file written to help students on ECS' Programming 1 course (COMP1202) using iSolutions machines which have the JDK, but do not add it to the PATH variable, making compilation from the command line difficult. It attempts to find the JDK directory and add it to the Windows PATH. The code is as follows: @SET JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java @FOR /F %%G IN ('DIR /B "%JAVA_HOME%\JDK*"') DO @SET JDK_HOME=%JAVA_HOME%\%%G @SET PATH=%JDK_HOME%\bin;%PATH% @javac -version @echo. @echo %JDK_HOME%\bin successfully added to Windows PATH @echo. @echo Now type 'javac'. @echo. @echo. @echo. @CMD

    Shared with the World by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  121. [img]
  122. [img]
    Use of video mark schemes to facilitate student generated feedback and reflection

    Shared with the World by
    Mr Justin Steele-Davies
  123. [img]
    Open Access Readings 2013
    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  124. [img]
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Sina Samangooei
  125. [img]
    Stream Reasoning with Linked Data
    Slides describing streaming data, data stream processing systems and stream reasoning Also we have some description of CSPARQL

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Sina Samangooei
  126. [img] [img]
    Camtasia Demo
    A brief demo of what camtasia can do.

    Shared with the World by
    Mr Justin Steele-Davies
  127. [img] [img]
    LTSpice workshop Part 1
    Shared with the World by
    Mr Justin Steele-Davies
  128. [img]
    Feedback hints and tips

    Shared with the World by
    Mr Justin Steele-Davies
  129. [img]
    The 2013 version of the addiction slides.

    Shared with the World by
    Dr David Tarrant
  130. [img]
    Game Theory
    The 2013 Version of the Game Theory Presentation, now with an extra game.

    Shared with the World by
    Dr David Tarrant
  131. [img]
    UX Theory - Web Design
    This lecture introduces UX theory and focusses on applying this to web based design.

    Shared with the World by
    Dr David Tarrant
  132. [img]
    Introduction to Knowledge Representation
    Focussing on Open Data and the need for cleaning data

    Shared with the World by
    Dr David Tarrant
  133. [img]
    Introduction to Rich Applications (12-13)
    Shared with the World by
    Dr David Tarrant
  134. [img]
    Changing the World with Open Data
    Shared with the World by
    Dr David Tarrant
  135. [img]
    Quick Introduction to D3
    Introduction to d3.js with run through of example from O'Reily book.

    Shared with the World by
    Dr David Tarrant
  136. [img]
    COMP2004 Exam paper 2012
    Contains answers

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Kenneth Thomas
  137. [img]
    comp2004 Exam 2011
    Contains answers.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Kenneth Thomas
  138. [img]
    Systems & Platforms: File systems
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  139. [img]
    Systems & Platforms: Multiprocessors
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  140. [img] [img]
    Systems & Platforms: Virtualization
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  141. [img]
    Systems & Platforms: OS Design and Performance
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  142. [img]
    Systems & Platforms: Security
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  143. [img]
    CIP-OSN; Networks as Graphs
    Curriculum Innovation Programme - Online Social Networks (UOSM2012) - Networks as Graphs

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Thanassis Tiropanis
  144. [img] [img]
    Contemporary Social Movements and the Web
    Social Movements are decentralising in the modern world. Web 2.0 has driven latency structures in social movements, and made activism more personal than ever before, but it has also introduced the concept of slacktivism. Micro-Macro relationships are becoming important theoretical frameworks for Social Movement research on the Web - has the Global Justice Movement of 1999 become Global Justice Networks in 2013?

    Shared with the University by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  145. [img]
    COMP1205 2012-13 Student Presentations: Slot 1
    Slides on presentations on the following topics: 1.1 Virtuality 1.2 New Business Models 1.3 Privacy and Personal Security see for detailed briefs

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  146. [img] [img]
    COMP1205 Data protection and security
    Published on Jun 7, 2012 by icocomms This ICO training video helps answer questions about the Data Protection Act, its impact on the working environment and how to handle and protect people's information. (Produced by Central Office of Information, Crown Copyright 2006)

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  147. [img]
    COMP1205 Exam Perspectives
    A couple of slides shows which scope topics and approaches for COMP1205 Examination

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  148. [img]
    COMP1205 Legal Perspectives: Information, Data and Living in a Connected World
    List of topics and Slides which summarise legal perspectives with suggested methods on how to revise for the exam

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  149. [img] [img]
    COMP1205 Part Two including legal issues
    rationale and extent of the second half of this module

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  150. [img]
    COMP1205 Presentation Skills
    Slides and links to resources to introduce presentation skills. See also notes on ECS module page:

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  151. [img] [img]
    COMP1205 Presentation task overview and guidance notes
    Task overview, requirements, format and protocols plus guidance and mark sheet

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  152. [img]
    COMP1205 Presentation topic briefs
    Topic briefs. Includes marked up topic list which can be used for exam revision purposes.

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  153. [img]
    COMP1205 Writing summaries: activities
    Description of a set student activity to create summaries of selected academic papers. Also contains small set of selected papers from which to choose two papers to read and summarise

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  154. [img]
    COMP1205 Writing summaries: reading list
    small set of selected papers from which to choose two papers to read and summarise

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  155. [img]
    ELEC6021 Research Methods: Report Writing
    Slides and Handouts for this part of the module

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  156. [img]
    Foundation Year RTS Part 3 Handin Front Sheet - no longer in use
    No longer current Front Sheet for handin to be completed by student

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  157. [img] [img]
    Foundation Year RTS Part 3 Motivation Quiz
    A short self evaluation quiz looking at motivation

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  158. [img]
    Foundation Year RTS Part 3 Planning Quiz
    A short self evaluation quiz looking at planning

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  159. [img] [img]
    Foundation Year RTS Part 3 Portfolio Template Summary: Science and Engineering 2012-13
    Part 3 Routes to Success summary of the portfolio template on one A4 page

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  160. [img] [img]
    Foundation Year RTS Part 3 W1 Lecture 2012-13
    Part 3 Routes to Success Slides Week 1

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  161. [img] [img]
    Foundation Year RTS Part 3 W3 Lecture 2012-13
    Part 3 Routes to Success slides

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  162. [img] [img]
    Foundation Year RTS3 Portfolio Template: Science and Engineering 2012-13
    Part 3 Routes to Success Portfolio template on five A4 page

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  163. [img]
    Suggested readings for visual literacy
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  164. [img]
    COMP1205 2013-13 Student Presentations: Slot 3
    Topics Include: 3.1 Cyber-Hate and Online Bullying 3.2 Sustainablilty; 3.3 Green IT - solutions and benefits 3.4 Open and Linked Data

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  165. [img]
    COMP1205 Preparing Presentations Informal Advice
    How to create a PDF from Prezi

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  166. [img] [img]
    COMP6037 - Readings
    Attached are the readings from past and present COMP6037 lectures.

    Shared with the University by
    Mrs Claire Wyatt
  167. [img]
    COMP1205: Consolidated Topic List for Legal Ethical Areas
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  168. [img] [img]
    COMP1205: Digital rights and ownership
    links and notes on ownership and digital rights

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
This list was generated on Sat Feb 22 15:59:39 2025 UTC.