Barry's tutor and some hard truths
His tutor looked weary as he placed Barry's essay on the desk. "OK, can you tell me why you did this." In a way, this is worse than being shouted at. Barry makes his excuses. "So you spent your student loan on drink and have to do menial low-paid work to pay the bills - is that really all you are good for?" He points at the essay. "This is cheating, you know. How do you think your fellow students - or your parents - would feel about that? In fact, perhaps you could tell me how you feel about it?" Barry wishes the ground would open up and swallow him.
Eventually, the interview is at an end. Barry has one week to write his own assignment and knows that from now on his work will always be suspect. He has been told in no uncertain terms that his work will have to show significant improvement or he will fail his first year. He has some hard work ahead