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Number of items: 33.
  1. [img]
    A Self-Scoring Exercise On APA Style, Research Language, and Referencing for Undergraduate Students
    Based on examples provided by 27 graduate psychology faculty, this self-test incorporates many of the more common errors in style, language, and referencing found in student papers. Taking this self-test helps students to recognize common errors and encourages them to refer the APA Publication Manual on a regular basis. In addition, students begin to think about how to use correctly the language of psychological research. This self-test should take about 30 minutes to complete and score. It is composed of three parts: a) a mock Discussion section, where students are asked to act as editors and find the errors, p. 2 (10 minutes). b) a corrected Discussion section, where students find the errors they missed, p. 3 (5 minutes) and, c) a full description of each error with illustrations of correct usage, pp. 4-7 (15 minutes). This exercise assumes some knowledge of APA style. Thus, it is best-suited for advanced undergraduates who need to write research reports and all levels of graduate students. It may be taken at home or in class. Although the self-test is designed to be fully self-directed, instructors may wish to use it at the beginning or end of a classroom discussion on APA style. It could also be used in a pre-test-post-test fashion to evaluate students learning over the course of a term.

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Tom Randell
  2. [img]
    A beginner's guide to referencing books based on the Harvard system
    An interactive tutorial on how to reference books correctly. It begins with an example, and interactively draws the student through the stages of accessing the relevant information through to how to include the final citation in the bibliography. It concludes with a ‘test your knowledge’ set of activities. When you view this object note that the panel on the left generated by the repository can be dragged sideways to view the learning object full screen.

    Shared with the World by
    Ms Debra Morris
  3. [img] [img]
    Academic Integrity Guidelines - Professional Values
    Explanatory notes on why academic integrity is important for students in their professional and personal development.

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  4. [img] [img]
    Academic Integrity Guidelines - Quiz and References
    A multiple-choice quiz to test a student's understanding of academic integrity and plagiarism. A range of quiz formats including Blackboard, IMS-QTI, plain text and Respondus is available for users to download.

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  5. [img] [img]
    Academic Integrity Guidelines: School of Geography's Policy
    The School of Geography's policy and requirements in dealing with matters related to academic integrity and plagiarism.

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  6. collection
    Academic integrity resources at the University of Southampton
    These are resources within EdShare which provide support and guidance to students on working with academic integrity and avoiding plagiarism.

    Shared with the University by
    Ms Debra Morris
  7. [img]
    Academic integrity tutorial
    This tutorial presents what the School of Electronics and Computer Science expects of its undergraduate students.

    Shared with the University by
    Ms Debra Morris
  8. [img]
    Acknowledging knowledge: an academic guide to referencing
    This guide explains why referencing in essays is so important, and provides clear examples of exactly how to reference a wide variety of sources from books to YouTube clips

    Shared with the World by
    Ms Debra Morris
  9. [img]
    EndNote X6 - Advanced Guide
    Detailed guidance in creating and managing a library, downloading information from a range of external resources, and use of advanced citation tools in Word, including synchronisation with EndNote Web for maximum flexibility of use

    Shared with the World by
    Mrs Linda Robertson
  10. [img]
    EndNote X6 - Basic Guide
    A step-by-step guide to building an EndNote library, downloading information from general databases and citing references in Word documents

    Shared with the World by
    Mrs Linda Robertson
  11. [img]
    EndNote X6 Basic for MAC
    An introduction to the basic features of EndNoteX6 for MAC users

    Shared with the World by
    Mrs Linda Robertson
  12. [img]
    EndNote X6 for MAC
    This is a guide to the advanced features of EndNote X6 when operating on the MAC platform. It includes download strategies for a wide range of databases and a guide to synchronising the desktop library with EndNote web

    Shared with the World by
    Mrs Linda Robertson
  13. [img]
    EndNote X7 Basic for Mac
    An introduction to the basic features of EndNote X7, including links to EndNote Online for Mac users

    Shared with the World by
    Mrs Linda Robertson
  14. [img]
    EndNote X7 handbook
    An extended handbook for the main features of EndNote X7 for PC

    Shared with the World by
    Mrs Linda Robertson
  15. [img]
    Endnote X7 - advanced guide 2014
    A guide to the advanced features of EndNote, including advanced group structure, working with bibliographic templates, figures and tables, structuring bibliographies and working with PowerPoint.

    Shared with the World by
    Miss Harry Gibbs
  16. [img]
    Endnote X7 - basic graduate session 2015
    Contains the material covered in Gradbook sessions. Information also available in Basic and Advanced Guides.

    Shared with the World by
    Miss Harry Gibbs
  17. [img]
    Endnote X7 - basic guide 2014
    A step-by-step guide to building an EndNote lilbrary, downloading information from general databases, citing references in Word documents and synchronising online.

    Shared with the World by
    Miss Harry Gibbs
  18. [img]
    Formal Technical Report Writing, Referencing and Academic integrity
    How to present a technical report and maintain academic integrity - supported by a range of on-line activities

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Hugh Davis
  19. [img]
    How to Cite References - School of Geography
    This is a quick guide for students to learn the appropriate Harvard referencing style in academic writing.

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  20. [img]
    Information source evaluation matrix
    An information source evaluation matrix, produced by the Library at De Montfort University

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  21. [img]
    Intute Reusable Learning Objects
    These are the Reusable Learning Objects (RLOs) that Intute have evaluated and added to their nursing and midwifery section. If you search for 'rlo' you'll get a list of over 60 RLOs, they are mostly related to A&P but some of them are about research skills and referencing...

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Mike Weaver
  22. collection
    Managing References
    This collection holds notes on using bibliographic software, Reference Manager, EndNote, EndNote Web

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Trevor Bryant
  23. [img]
    Managing References presentation
    A short PowerPoint presentation to introduce how to Manage Refences. This can be used with notes for Reference Manager, EndNote or EndNote Web.

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Trevor Bryant
  24. [img]
    Planning essays and assignments
    This is a 13 min 10 second audio recording produced by the University of Southampton. The podcast is designed to help students develop their skills in planning their academic work in writing assignments and essays. You can choose from an MP3 version or WMA version of this item. A transcript of the audio recording is also provided.

    Shared with the World by
    Ms Debra Morris
  25. [img]
    Referencing journals
    An interactive tutorial on how to reference journal articles correctly. It begins with an example, and interactively draws the student through the stages of accessing the relevant information through to how to include the final citation in the bibliography. It concludes with a ‘test your knowledge’ set of activities. When you view this object note that the panel on the left generated by the repository can be dragged sideways to view the learning object full screen.

    Shared with the World by
    Ms Debra Morris
  26. [img] [img]
    Technical report revision lecture
    Specification for technical report, allocations (2015) mark scheme are at A template for a technical report and other support materials are found at

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Su White
  27. [img]
    Using EndNote Online
    A guide to the essential features of EndNote Online, when working off campus or sharing resources with colleagues

    Shared with the World by
    Mrs Linda Robertson
  28. [img]
    Using EndNote Web
    This is a handout to describe how to use EndNote Web v2.7. It is focused on the BioMedical area and covers linking to PubMed, Web of Knowledge, other bibliographic providers (OVID and EBSCO) and searching for book information. The notes include how to use Word 2003 and Word 2007

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Trevor Bryant
  29. collection
    Using EndNote X4
    These resources provide introductions at a range of levels to the use of EndNote bibliographic software

    Shared with the World by
    Mrs Linda Robertson
  30. [img]
    Using EndNote X5
    This is a handout to describe how to use EndNote X5. It is focused on the BioMedical area and covers linking to PubMed, Web of Knowledge, other bibliographic providers (OVID and EBSCO) and searching for book information. The notes include how to use Word 2010 to add citations to a document.

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Trevor Bryant
  31. [img]
    Using Reference Manager
    This is a handout to describe how to use Reference Manager v12. It is focused on the BioMedical area and covers linking to PubMed, Web of Knowledge, other biblographic providers (OVID and EBSCO) and searching for book information. The notes include how to use Word 2003 and Word 2007/2010 . You must be running v12.0.3 or later for Reference Manager to work with Word 2010.

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Trevor Bryant
  32. [img]
    Writing essays
    This is a 13 min 29 second audio recording produced by the University of Southampton. The podcast is designed to help students develop their skills in planning their academic work in writing assignments and essays. You can choose from an MP3 version or WMA version of this item. A transcript of the audio recording is also provided.

    Shared with the World by
    Ms Debra Morris
  33. [img]
    harvard citations
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Cui Su
This list was generated on Fri Feb 7 22:03:46 2025 UTC.