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Number of items: 31.
  1. [img] [img]
    AY2021 COMP1205 Coursework 1 CV
    Compiled coursework including checklist plus checklist available as a single document. checklist revised to reveal missing text. A single document containing coursework brief, a checklist to be used as a marking framework, a template for a career development plan, a cover sheet to be used for the handin and a selection of ten work opportunities for which first year students can apply

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Su White
  2. [img]
    AY2021 COMP1205 Coursework 1 CV Career Development Plan
    Career Development Plan as Word Document

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  3. [img]
    AY2021 COMP1205 Coursework 1 CV FAQs
    This year's questions from students about the coursework

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  4. [img]
    AY2021 COMP1205 Coursework 1 CV Feedback
    Feedback on submissions and how to deal with feedback

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  5. [img]
    Assignment on Carrier Communications Simulation
    Simulation of AM, QAM, complex QAM, 4QAM and 16QAM carrier communication schemes in Matlab.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Rob Maunder
  6. [img]
    Assignment on Filters, Source Coding and Channel Coding
    Considers bandpass filters, Huffman coding, arithmetic coding and Hamming coding.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Rob Maunder
  7. [img]
    Assignment on Matlab
    Considers sampling, quantisation, filters and lines of best fit.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Rob Maunder
  8. [img]
    Assignment on Matlab
    Considers systems of linear equations, steepest ascent optimisation and Monte Carlo simulation.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Rob Maunder
  9. [img]
    Assignment on Modulation
    Considers Sampling, Pulse Amplitude Modulation, Multiple Access, Quantisation, Pulse Coded Modulation, Manchester Line Coding, Amplitude Modulation, Double SideBand Suppressed Carrier Modulation, Quadrature Amplitude Modulation and M-ary Shift Keying.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Rob Maunder
  10. [img]
    COMP1214 Coursework Description
    These slides give the instructuions for completing the COMP1214 team project on cloud and mobile computing

    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  11. [img]
    COMP6235 Coursework 1
    This is the specification for coursework 1 in module COMP6235 Foundations of Data Science. This coursework aims to check the understanding of the first part - statistics - about this module.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Jian Shi
  12. [img]
    COMP6235: Introduction to Data Science. Coursework 2 specification
    Shared with the University by
    Dr Ramine Tinati
  13. [img]
    As part of the INFO2009 coursework; an interactive resource set to teach students about the Computer Misuse Act, encompassing an explanation of the law and multiple-choice questions.

    Shared with the World by
    Mr Christopher Patuzzo
  14. collection
    Collection INFO1010 Coursework 3 - specification and feedback
    Documents - coursework specification and feedback

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  15. [img] [img]
    Engineering Foundation Year - Sustaining Success Portfolio Template
    Template - word processed document for 'Routes to Success' Coursework 3 'Sustaining Success'

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  16. [img] [img]
    Example Interdisciplinary reports and posters
    Example reports and poster. NB. You are reminded do not use IEEE or ACM formatting in your reports. Specifications have changed over time :-)

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Su White
  17. [img] [img]
    Extended abstract and slides
    CW2 related notes at

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Su White
  18. [img] [img]
    INFO 2009 Coursework 2 - Go Green - Group 7 - Green ICT
    A Website on GREEN ICT by the Go Green Group as a part of the resource set made for the Info2009 2011-12 coursework

    Shared with the World by
    Miss Shreeprabha Aggarwal
  19. [img]
    INFO1010 Coursework 3 Specification: Group Presentation
    Archive of form specifying task, list of possible topics, group choices and marking scheme. NB This will be updated and revised to reflect topics and method for 2011-12 This is predominantly a formative assignment designed to give students initial experience of making a presentation.

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  20. [img]
    INFO2009 - Computer Crime Learning Resource
    An E-Learning Gateway for the latest news and information relating to Computer Crime for INFO2009

    Shared with the University by
    Mr Daniel Corbishley
  21. [img] [img]
    INFO2009 - Team 'DROP TABLE groups;
    Edshare for INFO2009 coursework 2 - Team 'DROP TABLE groups;

    Shared with the World by
    Mr Patrick Naish
  22. [img]
    INFO2009 CW1 Annotated Bibliography Coursework Overview
    A simple description of the required components of the annotated bibliography coursework

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Su White
  23. [img] [img]
    INFO2009 CW2 - Resource and Poster Assignment
    specification of resource, poster and individual commentary which make up the poster group assignment

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Su White
  24. [img]
    REST Coursework Specification 2022
    Shared with the University by
    Dr Heather Packer
  25. [img]
    Report Assignment

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Su White
  26. [img]
    Smart Meetings - background reading
    Background reading for coursework to prepare a technical report as part of the orientation phase. These items are business documents (i.e. grey literature) which might be read as a prelude or complement to finding information in peer reviewed academic publications. grey literature links and articles to be used in preparation of technical report. See also overview guidance document for this assignment

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  27. [img]
    Technical report mark scheme
    Mark scheme for technical report. 2015 COMP1205 updated 2018/19

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  28. [img] [img]
    Technical report revision lecture
    Specification for technical report, allocations (2015) mark scheme are at A template for a technical report and other support materials are found at

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Su White
  29. [img]
    Technical report: example cheats!
    work in progress - technical report rules and cheats

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  30. [img]
    WEBS6203 Focus on hand-ins
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  31. [img]
    WEBS6203 Peer reviewing your reports
    These notes contain a workflow, guidance notes, and supporting forms

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
This list was generated on Mon Mar 10 14:24:06 2025 UTC.