Collection: Security Group 15 The Pyjamas INFO2009 0910

Collection items

INFO 2009 Poster by the Pyjamas
BMP format for the poster is better than PDF version

Shared with the World by
Mr Kejun Huang
word.exe references list
list of references for group project in word format

This Resource by Users 60497 not found. has not been shared
INFO 2009 POSTER by The Pyjamas
PDF version, but lost the quality of the image.

Shared with the World by
Mr Kejun Huang
Keylogging & Fraud
My resource on keylogging and fraud for our Group INFO2009 Project.

This Resource by Users 60497 not found. has not been shared
Reference List
List of supporting references for the group project

This Resource by Users 60497 not found. has not been shared

Collection: Security Group 15 The Pyjamas INFO2009 0910

student created resource collection, poster, slide set, ref list

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