Contact with mental health services- A video library of lived experience accounts- DClin Psychology

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University of Southampton - Lived experience accounts of contact with mental health services - for circulation 1 - Copy.pptx
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    University of Southampton - Lived experience accounts of contact with mental health services - for circulation 1 - Copy.pptx
    University of Southampton - Lived experience accounts of contact with mental health services - for circulation 1 - Copy.pptx
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    Contact with mental health services- A video library of lived experience accounts- DClin Psychology

    A video library of both patients and clinicians who have accessed Mental Health Services, and the experiences that they have had. These videos have been developed jointly by people with lived experience of mental ill-health, NHS clinicians and the University of Southampton. Participants have given permission for the videos to be used to support clinicians in training. We hope that this video library will enable you to remain steadfastly focused on the person you’re working with, and your therapeutic relationship with them, when you move into busy work settings that place considerable demands on you and your colleagues.

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