EdShare OER Platform (OER17 Lightning Talk)

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    EdShare OER Platform (OER17 Lightning Talk)

    Slides from 5 minute lightning talk given at OER17, London. The presentation was recorded and is available via the conference website - see link shared. Presentation starts at 12 minutes in. "This lightning talk will describe the open source OER solution ‘EdShare’. The open content platform which is running a number of successful OER sites in the HEI community including edShare@GCU, EdShare Soton, eShare, Humbox, LanguageBox and more. The platform, which originated from a Jisc funded institutional exemplars project in 2008, is now a stable and fully supported solution available from the University of Southampton enterprise group to support the sharing and engagement with OERs and OEP. The platform is based on the open content system EPrints, and has been heavily influenced by web 2.0 sharing sites. This lightning talk will summarise existing key features of the platform including streamlined submission, user community profiles, inline preview support, shareable editing rights, dissemination routes. Details will also be included on the future direction of EdShare and how you can be involved in the shaping the development roadmap."

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