How do I get the Chapter number in Table or Figure captions to restart in Appendices using the University thesis template in Word 2010?

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    How do I get the Chapter number in Table or Figure captions to restart in Appendices using the University thesis template in Word 2010?

    If you have added the Chapter number to your Table or Figure captions they will show as 1.1, 1.2 and so on. This is linked to the numbering used in the Heading 1 style. However, once you get to the Appendices the last Chapter number will continue throughout the Appendices as the Appendix heading isn't Heading 1. So what you need to do is get Word to understand that the style from which it should be picking up the first part of the Caption has changed and that it will need to restart the numbering again in each subsequent Appendix. This isn't too complex but you must follow the instructions to the letter or else it won't work.

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