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Number of items: 28.
  1. [img] [img]
    A Quiz on Privacy
    Created for INFO2009 coursework.

    Shared with the World by
    Mr Douglas Thompson
  2. [img] [img]
    Big Data: Wrongs and Rights by Andrew Cormack (WAIS Seminar)
    Abstract: Big Data has been characterised as a great economic opportunity and a massive threat to privacy. Both may be correct: the same technology can indeed be used in ways that are highly beneficial and those that are ethically intolerable, maybe even simultaneously. Using examples of how Big Data might be used in education - normally referred to as "learning analytics" - the seminar will discuss possible ethical and legal frameworks for Big Data, and how these might guide the development of technologies, processes and policies that can deliver the benefits of Big Data without the nightmares. Speaker Biography: Andrew Cormack is Chief Regulatory Adviser, Jisc Technologies. He joined the company in 1999 as head of the JANET-CERT and EuroCERT incident response teams. In his current role he concentrates on the security, policy and regulatory issues around the network and services that Janet provides to its customer universities and colleges. Previously he worked for Cardiff University running web and email services, and for NERC's Shipboard Computer Group. He has degrees in Mathematics, Humanities and Law.

    Shared with the University by
    Miss Priyanka Singh
  3. [img]
    COMP1205 Legal Issues 1 - Data, Security, Privacy
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  4. [img] [img]
    COMP3016 Web Technology - Strand "Web Science" Lecture 2
    Lecture 2: Personal Privacy and State Interference Lecture slides and video by Danny Weitzner.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
  5. collection
    Collection for UK Computing Law - INFO2009 - 09/10
    Collection of poster, reference list and resource source and database dump

    Shared with Selected Schools/Units by
    Mr Matthew Malkin
  6. collection
    Collection of Resources for Team Peanut Butter Jelly
    The workings of Team Peanut Butter Jelly for INFO2009.

    Shared with the University by
    Mr Phillip Applegate
  7. [img] [img]
    Computer Applications: Online Identity
    Privacy and online identity

    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  8. [img]
    Group 21 Slartibartfast - Group Resource
    Informative website about Anonymous/LulzSec and Denial of Service attacks

    Shared with the University by
    Mr Jonathan Seager
  9. [img]
    Group Poster for UK Computing Law - INFO2009 - 09/10
    Group Poster for UK Computing Law

    Shared with Selected Schools/Units by
    Mr Matthew Malkin
  10. [img]
    INFO 2009 Peanut Butter Jelly Website
    INFO 2009 Peanut Butter Jelly Website

    Shared with the University by
    Mr Phillip Applegate
  11. [img] [img]
    INFO2009 - CW2 - Group 19 - Copyright and DRM
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Matthew Potts
  12. [img] [img]
    INFO2009 2012-13 Resource Group 12 Security and Privacy
    This is an educational resource that covers a number of realistic attacks on privacy from a technical perspective along with the legal issues you might face if you don't take adequate precautions with data. The format is engaging and entertaining, framing real-world issues in a familiar medium - namely that of a trailer for a blockbuster film.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Su White
  13. [img] [img]
    INFO2009 2012-13 Resource Group 20: video "Panorama: An Investigation into Augmented Reality"
    Group 20 (km) "Kirk's Krew" is proud to present "Panorama: An Investigation into Augmented Reality," an exciting and entertaining video used for the general public which engages through a fast-paced investigatory style. You'll never forget the story of students Jake and Andrew as they seek to thwart the villianous schemes of Larry Beige with help and hindrance from AR! Explore the past, present and future of AR in a Panorama style investigation! ECS' very own Dr Enrico Costanza is on hand with years of expertise! For a full listing of share contents, please see readme.txt

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Su White
  14. [img] [img]
    INFO2009 2012-13 Resource Group 21 - We know where you live
    We know where you live is an entertaining and informative quiz show highlighting the dangers resulting from a lack of awareness of Facebook's privacy and security settings. The game show is complemented by a short tutorial explaining these settings. The show is aimed at a wider audience and is suitable for all.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Su White
  15. [img] [img]
    INFO2009 Assignment 2 (Group 11) - An Interactive Tutorial on Digital Rights Management
    This resource contains an interactive tutorial slide, a set of multiple choice questions and a poster that Group 11 composed for INFO2009 Assignment 2. The topic area for the resource is Digital Rights Management.

    Shared with the University by
    Mr Jingwei Song
  16. [img]
    INFO2009 Group 20 - Resource
    INFO2009 2011/2012 Session, Group 20 (One Direction) resource on surveillance

    Shared with the World by
    Mr David Hulme
  17. [img]
    Identity and Privacy Presentation using Prezi
    For Ethics in a Complex World module. General topics with links to resources about identity and privacy. Mainly looking at online identity and how you manage it effectively.

    Shared with the University by
    Mrs Fiona Harvey
  18. [img]
    Privacy is a concept that has been with us for hundreds of years, but it is relatively recently (the last 130 years or so) that it has been seen as something that needs protection as a legal right. Technology has presented many challenges to privacy, from the printing press to recording devices to communication hacking, but Social Media seems to present something new - a phenomenon of people giving up their personal information to an extent that would be considered extraordinary just a generation ago. In this lecture we look at attitudes and behaviors around privacy, see how social norms have shaped our expectations of privacy, and how we have come to trade our privacy for value, making complex (and sometimes ill-informed) risk decisions. We will also explore how people really behave on Social Media systems, to see whether we (as a society) should be concerned about modern attitudes to privacy, and whether there are any advantages that might balance that concern. Finally we look at how technology can be applied to the problems of privacy, both as a preventative measure, but also by aiding transparency and helping people to make better privacy decisions. These slides were updated for 2014.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Millard
  19. [img] [img]
    Privacy and Security - background grey literature online
    Background reading for coursework to prepare a technical report as part of the orientation phase. These items are business documents (i.e. grey literature) which might be read as a prelude or complement to finding information in peer reviewed academic publications. grey literature links and articles to be used in preparation of technical report. See also overview guidance document for this assignment

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Su White
  20. [img]
    Privacy and data protection
    Privacy and data protection, fundamentals for the data science MSc

    Shared with the University by
    Prof Elena Simperl
  21. [img]
    Privacy and data protection
    A primer for data scientists

    Shared with the University by
    Prof Elena Simperl
  22. [img] [img]
    Privacy animation - INFO2009 Coursework 2 2010, Group 20
    Repository contains an animation related to privacy along with the poster for the resource in both jpeg and pdf format.

    Shared with the University by
    Mr Antonio Bernardo
  23. [img]
    Reference List for UK Computing Law - INFO2009 - 09/10
    Reference List for UK Computing Law

    Shared with Selected Schools/Units by
    Mr Matthew Malkin
  24. [img]
    Resource for UK Computing Law - INFO2009 - 09/10
    Zip file containing source code and database dump for the resource

    Shared with Selected Schools/Units by
    Mr Matthew Malkin
  25. [img]
    Review: Social Media and Abstract Nouns
    The revision slides for our Social Media course, contains major lessons learned throughout the course, and an example exam question (on trust).

    Shared with the University by
    Prof David Millard
  26. [img] [img]
    Transparency & Privacy
    The Transparency Agenda of the 2010/1 UK Coalition government promises to revolutionise government, public services and public engagement, by ‘holding politicians and public bodies to account, reducing the deficit and delivering better value for money in public spending, and realising significant economic benefits by enabling businesses and non-profit organisations to build innovative applications and websites using public data’, to quote the then Prime Minister. This is an ambitious programme with laudable aims, yet it naturally has limits.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
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    Week 1- Digital Literacy
    The lecture will provide an introduction to Digital literacy and important aspects related to-Privacy and online identity as well as learning tools for Collaborating online

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Shelly Vishwakarma
This list was generated on Sat Feb 8 02:47:46 2025 UTC.