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Number of items: 11.
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    COMP6234 Coursework 2 Dataset
    Shared with the University by
    Dr Christopher Phethean
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    Consider the Source: In Whose Interests, and How, of Big, Small and Other Data? Exploring data science through wellth scenarios.
    We're not a particularly healthy culture. Our "normal" practices are not optimised for our wellbeing. From the morning commute to the number of hours we believe we need to put in to complete a task that may itself be unreasonable, to the choices we make about time to prepare food to fit into these constraints - all these operations tend to make us feel forced into treating ourselves as secondary to our jobs. How can data help improve our quality of life? FitBits and AppleWatches highlight the strengths and limits of Things that Count, not the least of which is the rather low uptake of things like FITBITS and apple watches. So once we ask the question about how data might improve quality of life, we may need to add the caveat: pervasively, ubiquitously, in the rich variety of contexts that isn't all about Counting. And once we think about such all seeing all knowing environments, we then need to think about privacy and anonymity. That is: does everything have to be connected to the internet to deliver on a vision of improved quality of life through data? And if there is a Big Ubiquity - should we think about inverting new norms, like how to make personal clouds and personal data stores far more easy to manage - rather than outsourcing so much data and computation? In this short talk, I'd like to consider three scenarios about Going where too few humans have gone before to help others The challenges of qualitative data Supporting privacy and content to motivate thinking about data capture, re-use and re-presentation, and opportunities across ECS for machine learning, AI, infoviz and hci.

    Shared with the University by
    Ms Amber Bu
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    Data - From Bits to Databases
    Slides based on Brookshear, augmented with a lot of simple material to encourage the students to understand binary numbers!

    Shared with the World by
    Prof Leslie Carr
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    Data Manipulation.doc (9)
    Notes on use of SPSS. Used in Research Skills for Biomedical Science

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Trevor Bryant
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    Shared with the University by
    Dr Christopher Phethean
  6. collection
    A collection of videos on how to get data into Excel, check for invalid data and how to get Excel data into SPSS

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Trevor Bryant
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    Group 15 (Snav) - The Data Protection Act 1998
    An online tutorial outlining the definitions and principles of the Data Protection Act. Contains questions on scenarios which allow the user to test their knowledge, as well as a downloadable space-shooter game which gets the user to answer Data Protection Act questions.

    Shared with the University by
    Mr Liam De Valmency
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    INFO2009 Group 6 - Data Security & the Data Protection Act
    Content related to the second INFO2009 assignment for Group 6's radio interview on data security and the DPA

    Shared with the World by
    Mr Dominic McGill
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    LDC archive metadata
    List of all LDC data products University of Southampton has purchased and are available to staff and students. Datasets can be downloaded by UoS registered users at link Descriptions of LDC datasets can be browsed at link<LDC_catalogue_ID>

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Stuart Middleton
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    Making data useful and usable
    Data is ubiquitous; everyone has it and deals with it. However, just because everyone deals with it, doesn't mean that we naturally handle it well or efficiently. In this talk, Adriane Chapman will introduce herself to the WAIS group and describe her interest in making data useful and usable. She will describe her past work in provenance, and her current work in annotations, provenance and data modelling.

    Shared with the University by
    Ms Amber Bu
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    Sample - EU Superstore
    Shared with the University by
    Dr Christopher Phethean
This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 17:51:01 2025 UTC.