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    Using video markschemes to support self-assessment in Chemistry
    A video markscheme was created using a combination of Camtasia screen capture (on a Tablet PC) and 'live action' video taken with a camcorder. The resulting video supported students in the self-assessment of an organic chemistry exercise which had been set over the Easter vacation break. Feedback was collected from the students after the exercise and was overwhelmingly positive. The video won the 2010 award for 'Most Effective Use of Video in an Educational Context' from the Assocation for Learning Technology. DOWNLOAD THE ZIP FOLDER AND EXTRACT THE FILES TO ACCESS THEM.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Read


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    Catalysis at the University of Southampton
    This is a video resource to support the teaching of catalysis at A-level. It features explanations of the underlying theory, coupled with an outline of cutting research in this area of Chemistry at the University of Southampton, which relates to the A-level topic. The video files are in the .zip folder, and instructions for how to access them can be found in the attached document. You will also find a Word document called 'Skeleton notes', which is designed to be printed out by students and completed as they watch the video. We will be seeking feedback from students who use the resource, to find out their views about its effectiveness in educational terms. If you have any comments, or if you spot any errors, please contact Dr David Read (

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Read
This list was generated on Fri Dec 13 02:18:37 2024 UTC.