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  1. [img]
    Review of A-level Chemistry content 2010
    This document is a review of the content of the A-level Chemistry specifications from the main UK exam boards (Scottish highers not included - sorry!). These A-level specifications commenced teaching in September 2008. Students entering university in 2010 will have studied the new A-levels, and this document is intended to help academics to identify what students will have covered. The document also contains a summary of discussions which took place between teachers and academics at our annual Post-16 teachers' day in June 2010 regarding the nature of the 2010 intake and their capabilities in chemistry. Please inform us of any errors or typos that you spot and we'll update the document. LAST UPDATE at 13:15 on Aug 27th 2010.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Read
  2. [img]
    What to expect from lectures and seminars
    This contains the resources for the 'What to expect from lectures and seminars at the University of Southampton' session

    Shared with the University by
    Prof David Read
This list was generated on Mon Dec 2 16:51:54 2024 UTC.