Items where Author is "Howard, Yvonne"

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Number of items: 95.
  1. [img]
    Testing (Part 2)
    Overview of testing approaches (with a focus on test-driven development) for COMP2211 Software Engineering Group Project

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Vahid Yazdanpanah
  2. [img]
    Testing (Part 1)
    Overview of testing approaches (with a focus on development and acceptance testing) for COMP2211 Software Engineering Group Project

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Vahid Yazdanpanah
  3. [img]
    Model View Controller - Architecture and Design
    An overview of the architecture and design of the model-view-controller pattern for COMP2211 Software Engineering Group Project

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Vahid Yazdanpanah
  4. [img]
    Model View Controller - Architecture and Design
    An overview of the architecture and design of the model-view-controller pattern for COMP2211 Software Engineering Group Project

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Vahid Yazdanpanah
  5. [img] [img]
    GENG0015 COMPAPPS AY2324 W5 Intro to Programming with Python
    GENG0015 COMPAPPS AY2324 Week 5 Intro to Programming with Python. Slides and exercises.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Manuel Leon Urrutia
  6. [img] [img]
    Testing (Part 2)
    Overview of testing approaches (with a focus on test-driven development) for COMP2211 Software Engineering Group Project

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Tom Blount
  7. [img] [img]
    Testing (Part 1)
    Overview of testing approaches (with a focus on development and acceptance testing) for COMP2211 Software Engineering Group Project

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Tom Blount
  8. [img] [img]
    Agile Methods
    Description of various agile methodologies, values, and processes, for COMP2211 Software Engineering Group Project

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Tom Blount
  9. [img] [img]
    Model View Controller - Architecture and Design
    An overview of the architecture and design of the model-view-controller pattern for COMP2211 Software Engineering Group Project

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Tom Blount
  10. [img] [img]
    Starting to Build - Storyboards, Scenarios & Other Design Tools
    Lecture on moving from Envisioning to Design, for the Software Engineering Group Project

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Tom Blount
  11. [img]
    Computer Applications: Team Project Final Deliverable
    Specification for Team project reflective reports (final deliverable)

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  12. [img] [img]
    Computer Applications: Final Hand in and Buddy Evaluations
    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  13. [img] [img]
    COMP2211 SEG2021 Final Project Portfolio Specification
    Final Project Portfolio Specification. This the fifth and final deliverable of the SEG project. It species reports that critcally reflect on the team's experience

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  14. [img]
    Lecture Week 30 Final Hand-in Buddy Evaluations
    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  15. [img] [img]
    Human Computer Interaction - Interaction Design
    HCI and interaction Design for Foundation Year Computer applications. Covers backgound in cognition; Nielsens, Schneidermanns and Norman's Heuristics for good design

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  16. [img]
    Designing for Delight ver 2 2021
    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  17. [img]
    COMP2211 SEG - Testing
    Lecture about testing

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Jian Shi
  18. [img] [img]
    Deliverable 1 :Envisioning
    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  19. [img]
    COMP2211 SEG2021 Deliverable 1 Specification: Envisioning
    COMP2211 SEG2021 Specification for the first deliverable of the project, Agile Envisioning, the project start up User domain exploration (stakeholders; personas; risk analysis; product backlog of user stories); and technical domain exploration technical

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  20. [img]
    COMP2213 Interaction Design Deliverable 5: Reflective Journal Specification
    Coursework Specification for the Reflective Journal of the Design Exercises supporting the Design Portfolio undertaken in the module

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  21. [img]
    COMP2213 Interaction Design: Deliverable 4 Specification
    Group Design Exercise final Deliverable Specification: video, evaluation and summary

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  22. [img]
    COMP2213 Interaction Design: Deliverable 3 Specification 2020-21
    This is the specification for the third deliverable of the Interaction Design Portfolio Coursework. It covers: writing a problem statement; ideation evidence; defining the design concepts for candidate prototypes for development

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  23. [img] [img]
    Research Ethics
    This resource gives an overiew of Ethical approaches to researching human behaviours, attitudes, motivations and beliefs in the context of Interaction design. It is based on the ACM guidelines and follows the policy and guidelines of University of Southampton Research Governance.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  24. [img]
    Coursework Spec 2020/21
    COMP2213 Coursework specification for 20/21

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Richard Gomer
  25. [img]
    COMP2213 Interaction Design: Deliverable 2 Specification 2020-21
    This is the specification for the second deliverable of the Interaction Design Portfolio Coursework. It covers Interview Analysis, Thematic Analysis, Code book generation and Affinity Diagrams

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  26. [img]
    COMP2213 Interaction Design. Coursework Deliverable 1 Specification
    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  27. [img] [img]
    Starting to build: Storyboards and Scenarios
    This resource describes the use of storyboards and scenarios as design tools in agile methods. Emphasises the use of personas to ensure user-centric interaction design.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  28. [img]
    COMP1216 - Coursework 2 (2020-21)
    Description of Coursework 2 for COMP1216 (2020-21)

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Son Hoang
  29. [img]
    COMP2211 SEG: Full Testing Strategy
    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  30. [img]
    SEG Deliverable 3 (Increment 2)Specification
    This is the specification for Deliverable 3 which is the 2nd increment of working code

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  31. [img]
    SEG Deliverable 2 Specification
    This is the specification for Deliverable 2 which is the 1st code increment.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  32. [img]
    SEG2020 Deliverable 1 Specification: Envisioning
    COMP2211 (Software Engineering Group) Deliverable 1 Specification. Envisioning

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  33. [img] [img]
    Agile Philosophy
    Overview of Agile philosophy from the Agile Alliance starting from the Agile Manifesto and including XP values and practices

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  34. [img]
    COMP2211 SEG Exam Preparation
    preparation for end of module CAA exam

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  35. [img] [img]
    COMP2211 SEG2021 Deliverable 4 Coursework Specification
    COMP2211 Software Engineering Group Agile project coursework specification for the 4th deliverable (Increment 3 of working software)

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  36. [img]
    Computer Applications: Group Project - Project Startup + agile
    First week of Group Project

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Jian Shi
  37. [img] [img]
    Systems Design: UML Activity and Sequence Diagrams
    In this session we look at how to model flow of control and interactions between components using UML Activity and Sequence Diagrams. This is an introductory session and so for Activity Diagrams we only cover branching, forks and joins and swim lanes, and for Sequence we cover lifelines, messages and returns, and alt, par and opt frames.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  38. [img] [img]
    UML Class Diagram
    UML Class diagram with example scenarios. Shows: classes, properties and attributes; associations: generalisation, inheritance, component, aggregation

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  39. [img] [img]
    COMP1216: Requirements Analysis
    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  40. [img] [img]
    COMP1216 Software Modelling and Design: Introduction
    Introductory Lecture for COMP1216 Software Modelling and Design.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  41. [img] [img]
    Computer Applications: Python - Drawing Graphics
    Week 19: it is about drawing and animating graphics on a canvas in Python.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Jian Shi
  42. [img] [img]
    Computer Applications: Python - Basic Graphic User Interfaces
    Week 18: It is about creating graphical user interfaces for Python applications.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Jian Shi
  43. [img]
    Cognition lecture
    Cognition in the context of Interaction Design covers: attention; memory; perception and learning. Interface / interaction design can affect how well users can use these capabilities. The resource covers theoretical farmeworks informing design From an original lecture by Stephen Snow

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  44. [img] [img]
    Computer Applications: Python - File I/O
    Week 11/15, Python 8: This will be a practice of file I/O.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Jian Shi
  45. [img] [img]
    Computer Applications: Python - more loops, algorithms, pseudocode and sorting
    Week 10: this involves a recap of what you have learnt, as well as while loop, algorithms, pseudocode and sorting.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Jian Shi
  46. [img] [img]
    HCI Theories II and III
    COMP2213 lectures on HCI theories. Norman model of interaction; affordances; emotional design; distributed cognition. from an original lecture by Steve Snow

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  47. [img] [img]
    Computer Applications: Python - Recap and practice
    Week 6, Python 3: first revision

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Jian Shi
  48. [img] [img]
    Computer Applications: Python - input, output and decisions
    Week 5, Python 2: input, output and decisions

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Jian Shi
  49. [img]
    Qualitative Methods 1
    Qualitative Methods 1 First of 2 lectures: QM 1 is an introduction to practical qualitative methods based on Contextual Inquiry; interviews (Structured/unstructured); ethnography; diary studies; probes (cultural/technology). Qualitative Methods 2 covers analysis of data captured using these methods

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  50. [img] [img]
    Computer Applications Assignment 1
    Analyse a set of given data from a Hooke's law experiment Present your analysis in a blog. Contains announcement and specification

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  51. [img] [img]
    Computer Applications: Python - Recap and Practice
    Week 6, Python 3

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Jian Shi
  52. [img] [img]
    Interaction Design Introduction
    Introductory Lectures (Week one, lecture 1 and 2. 2020-2021 Lecture 1 covers course summary and structure; lecture 2 introduces assessment

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  53. [img]
    Coursework marks distribution form
    For use when groups cannot agree an equal distribution of marks. It is a request submitted to the Module team for approval (or not)

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  54. [img]
    Computer Applications: Python - Variables, maths and comments
    Week 4, Python 1 - Introduction to Python: syntax, variables, maths and comments

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Jian Shi
  55. [img] [img]
    Computer Applications: Online Identity
    Week 3, Digital Literacy 3

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Jian Shi
  56. [img] [img]
    Computer Applications: Information Literacy
    Week 2, Digital Literacy 2

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Jian Shi
  57. [img] [img]
    Computer Applications: Researching Online & Collaborating
    Week 1: Digital Literacy 1

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Jian Shi
  58. [img] [img]
    Computer Applications: Python 10
    It is about drawing and animating graphics on a canvas in Python.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Jian Shi
  59. [img] [img]
    Computer Applications: Python 9
    It is about creating graphical user interfaces for Python applications.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Jian Shi
  60. [img] [img]
    Computer Applications: Python - Functions
    Week 7, Python 4: This will be a practice of function.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Jian Shi
  61. [img] [img]
    Computer Applications: Python Homework
    Week 16/17: this exercise allows you to practice what you have learnt so far from the lectures

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Jian Shi
  62. [img] [img]
    Computer Applications: Python - more on lists, dictionaries, functions and loops.
    Week 9, Python 6: more on lists, dictionaries, functions and loops.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Jian Shi
  63. [img] [img]
    Computer Applications: Python - list, dictionary and loops
    Week 8, Python 5: This will be a practice of Lists, Dictionaries and Loops.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Jian Shi
  64. [img] [img]
    COMP2211 SEG 2020 Project Final Deliverable Specification
    This is the description of what is required for the final project deliverable. It is a a written project retrospective which covers: whole team reflections on team working, their product and achievements; individual reflective reports

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  65. [img] [img]
    Increment 3 - Computer Applications Team Project
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  66. [img] [img]
    Increment 2 - Computer Applications Team Project
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  67. [img] [img]
    Increment 1 - Computer Applications Team Project
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  68. [img]
    Systems Design: Soft Systems Modelling Exercise
    Shared with the World by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  69. [img]
    Computer Applications: Python Recap
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  70. [img] [img]
    Computer Applications: Algorithms 2 - Parameterisation
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  71. [img]
    Software Development Life Cycles and Process Models
    This presentation describes the evolution of Software Development Lifecycles (SDLCs) from the first formally proposed linear models including, the Waterfall (Royce 1970) through to iterative prototyping models (Spiral and Win-Win Spiral) and incremental, iterative models used in Agile Methods. We discuss the problems iinherent in each prpoosal and how successive models attempt to solve them.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Millard
  72. [img]
    Computer Applications: Algorithms
    Shared with the World by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  73. [img] [img]
    Computer Applications: Assignment 1
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  74. [img] [img]
    Computer Applications: Online Identity
    Privacy and online identity

    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  75. [img] [img]
    Computer Applications: Information Literacy
    digital literacy:information and reproduction

    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  76. [img]
    Computer Applications: Our Digital World
    Week 1

    Shared with the World by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  77. [img] [img]
    Introduction to Soft Systems Modelling
    Two lectures that introduce the idea of modelling in the large, and contrasts hard system and soft system modelling. The second lecture goes into detail on a number of specific methods for analysing a system (CATWOE and CSH) and on modelling a system (Systems Diagrams and Personas).

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Millard
  78. [img]
    Systems & Platforms: Academic Integrity
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  79. [img]
    COMP1214 Coursework Description
    These slides give the instructuions for completing the COMP1214 team project on cloud and mobile computing

    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  80. [img] [img]
    Software Engineering Team Project 2019-2020: Introduction and Start Up
    Software Engineering Team project introductory lecture and project start up. it covers team working, infrastructure tools, and an outline of the agile methods, practices and principles that will be used.

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  81. [img] [img]
    Envisioning (starting the project)2: User Stories, Sprint Planning, Risk Assessment
    Second in a two part set of lectures on Agile Envisioning. The lectures describe the process of starting up a project. 1) creating a shared understanding amongst the team and customers using Stakeholder Analysis, Personas and User stories 2) Sprint planning and using a burndown chart 3) Risk assessment

    Shared with the University by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  82. [img]
    Case Study Envisioning and Engagement
    This is a presentation that introduces the envisioning (set up) stage of a project or case study. it sets envisioning in a framework of software engineering and agile methodologies. The presentation also covers techniques for engaging with stakeholders in the domain of the project: building a co-designing team; information gathering; and the ethics of engagement. There is a short section on sprint planning and managing the project backlog (agile using a burndown chart.

    Shared with the World by
    Dr Yvonne Howard
  83. [img]
    Systems & Platforms: OS Design and Performance
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  84. [img]
    Systems & Platforms: Security
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  85. [img]
    Systems & Platforms: Multicomputers and Distributed Systems
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  86. [img]
    Systems & Platforms: Computer Networking
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  87. [img]
    Systems & Platforms: Virtual Memory
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  88. [img]
    Systems & Platforms: Memory Management
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  89. [img]
    Systems & Platforms: Processes, Threads & Scheduling
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  90. [img]
    Systems & Platforms: I/O Hardware and Software
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  91. [img]
    Systems & Platforms: Introduction to OS Abstraction
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  92. [img]
    Systems & Platforms: Course Introduction
    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  93. [img]
    Week 2 - Organising Life
    Second Computer Applications digital literacy lecture, tackling the issue of using digital tools to help organise our lives.

    Shared with the University by
    Mr Rikki Prince
  94. [img]
    Requirements Capture: Using UML Use Cases
    This is a presentation for our year one INFO1008 course of Computational Systems. It covers the need for requirements capture and the difficulty of building a specification based on user information. We present UML Use Cases and Use Case diagrams as a way of capturing requirements from the users point of view in a semi-structured way.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Millard
  95. [img]
    The Modelling Journey
    These were slides developed as part of our work with the JISC Community Engagement Team and CETIS to introduce people to different forms of system modelling, including scenarios and personas, soft systems methods, UML (Use cases, activity diagrams and sequence diagrams), BMPN and EA modelling with Archimate.

    Shared with the World by
    Prof David Millard
This list was generated on Wed Mar 12 11:27:40 2025 UTC.