Introductory Physical Chemistry Lecture 2
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    Introductory Physical Chemistry Lecture 2

    These lectures are designed to show new students different lecturing styles they will encounter at Southampton University. This lecture is delivered using a Tablet PC. These lectures also teach students some of the fundamental parts of physics which are relevant to the Physical Chemistry course. This will be particularly useful for students who have forgotten their GCSE physics! To view the videos, download the zip file and 'extract' the contents by right clicking on the folder. Then double click on the file 'Play video.html'. Note that the video has been compressed heavily so it can be downloaded, which means there is a slight loss in quality. If you have a problem with this, please e-mail David Read ( NOTE: YOU MUST DOWNLOAD AND EXTRACT THE ZIP FOLDER BEFORE CLICKING ON 'Play video.html' OTHERWISE IT WON'T WORK.

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